X-ray Imaging in Agriculture

inCiTe™ 3D X-ray Microscope

BrillianSe X-ray Detector

Applications in Agriculture and Nature


X-ray imaging can play a significant role in agriculture by providing insights into the quality, structure, and composition of crops and agricultural products. Specifically, x-raying can be used for:

  • Quality assessment of seeds and grains
  • Detection of plant diseases and pests
  • Soil structure, compaction and root distribution
  • Post-harvest quality assessment

KA Imaging offers two unique products for X-Raying in Agricultural 

BrillianSe™ is a selenium (a-Se) CMOS direct conversion detector. It provides a unique combination of high spatial resolution and high Detective Quantum Efficiency (DQE) for energies up to 100keV. This combination enables efficient imaging at low flux and high energy, as well as propagation-based (grating-less) phase-contrast enhancement for improved sensitivity when imaging low-density materials.

inCiTe 3D X-Ray Microscope is the first commercial scanner that utilizes BrillianSe™ x-ray detector and is designed with patented propagation-based, phase-contrast imaging to enhance detail of the fine structures that are typically X-ray transparent.



Contact us for more information: sa***@ka*******.com