KA Imaging to participate in the 2020 DESY e-workshops on X-ray Powder Diffraction and Biomedical Imaging

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), a Research Centre of the Helmholz-Association, is promoting virtual Workshops on Powder Diffraction and  Biological & Medical Imaging. The events will be between June 22 – June 25.

KA Imaging is part of both programmes:

X-ray Powder Diffraction at DESY 
Talk 7: Micron Scale Pixel Hybrid Detector for Hard X-rays
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Karim S. Karim, CTO of KA Imaging
Time: 03:05 PM – 03:25 PM – Europe/Berlin timezone – 9:05 AM – 09:25 AM Eastern Time
Register now:  https://indico.desy.de/indico/event/26187/

Biomedical Imaging at PETRA III and PETRA IV
 8 micron pixel pitch direct conversion X-ray detector for phase contrast X-ray imaging in biomedical applications
Speaker: Chris Scott, engineer at KA Imaging
Time: 02:10 PM – 02:30 PM – Europe/Berlin timezone – 08:10 AM – 08:30 AM Eastern Time
Register now: https://indico.desy.de/indico/event/25334/


About the workshops:

X-ray Powder Diffraction at DESY
In order to identify current and future scientific and industrial demands in X-ray powder diffraction applications a virtual workshop will be held on June 22th – 25th 2020. This workshop will gather the input from the user community on how to evolve and enhance the methods and techniques provided within the existing PETRA III diffraction stations as well as beyond. The workshop is meant to serve as a melting pot for new ideas from science and industry. The aim is to identify key aspects and provide DESY with a community backed concept for current and future developments (e.g. development of new beamlines at PETRA III / PETRA IV).

Biomedical Imaging at PETRA III and PETRA IV
The scope of the workshop is to bring together current and future users of Biomedical Imaging facilities to exchange ideas and trends as well as identify beamline parameters which could help enable the envisaged imaging projects at PETRA III and PETRA IV. This will also help in gathering information on the evolution and enhancement of methods and techniques provided at the existing PETRA III imaging stations as well as for envisaged stations at PETRA III and PETRA IV. The workshop is expected to cover a broad range of applications from molecular crystallography to possible in vivo studies on animals.