Reveal™ 35C Clinical Case Series: (Pneumonia)

Welcome to the new Clinical Case Series

In KA Imaging’s new Clinical Case Series, the focus will be on diagnosing pneumonia, considering the growing need for efficient diagnosis in COVID-19 patients. KA Imaging’s Reveal™ 35C is currently being used in two clinical trials in the University Health Network (UHN).

1. Focal Opacity in RUL

In this video, Dr. Karim S. Karim demonstrates the differences between traditional X-ray, soft tissue, and CT images. The traditional chest X-ray image in this case was deemed normal by a radiologist, but the dual-energy subtraction soft tissue image taken by Reveal™ 35C showed a focal opacity in the right lobe indicating pneumonia.

2. Left Perihilar Opacity

In this case, learn how Reveal™ 35C helped a radiologist enable visuals of perihilar opacities in order to diagnose fungal pneumonia with confidence.