2019 at a glance

“We set a number of very ambitious stretch goals for 2019 and incredibly, accomplished most of them,” said Dr. Karim S Karim, CTO at KA Imaging.  “I’m very happy and proud of the entire KA family and how well they work with and support each other,” he continued.

A family that has continuously grown

In 2019, 10 new people joined KA Imaging, sharing their expertise in different areas, such as Engineering, Finance and Business Development. The number of employees is now 58% higher than in 2016. “We have a great team of dedicated people who are interested in learn and developing good products,” explained Amol Karnick, CEO at KAI. “The team has grown this year to included additional skill set including hardware and software design,” he said.

A year to celebrate

2019 was full of highlights. The company exhibited at six conferences and visited several others, having traveled more than 10,000 km around the globe.

KA Imaging’s inCiTe™ micro CT had its commercialization started and the first unit was delivered at the National Research Council Canada. At MRS, the technology was introduced to researchers, along with BrillianSe™, the world’s highest spatial resolution direct conversion X-ray detector for hard X-ray. Christopher Scott, an engineer leading the inCiTe™ and BrillianSe™ product development, had a poster presentation to talk about the technology.

The dual-energy single exposure flat panel detector Reveal™ was launched at RSNA and has sparked interest in the industry. Engineer Sebastian Maurino had a talk during the conference and gave more details about the technology. Representing KA Imaging, his abstract received the Roadie Award from AuntMinnie.  “Our clinical trial with patient data has been excellent as well, as it shows tangibly the benefits of KA Imaging’s efforts,” celebrated Dr. Karim.